Adam Jahr
Co-Host of The Official Vue News
Adam Jahr has hosted 79 Episodes.
#120 - November 20, 2018
November 20th, 2018 | 6 mins 7 secs
Vue Mastery Black Friday, Vue Toronto slides, New Connect.Tech Vue talks, Evan You previews Vue, Nuxt v2.3.1, Vue Roadtrip Berlin + Vue Vixens, Computed Properties, Using Redux + Vue, adding Vuejs to an existing project, Nuxt.js fundamentals, offline-first Vue apps, and Patching the Vue.js Virtual DOM.
#119 - November 13, 2018
November 13th, 2018 | 5 mins 24 secs
NativeScript 5.0, Vue use case, Videos from Connect.Tech, Type Vue without TypeScript, Deep Dive into VuePress, TDD part 4, Nuxt + Firestore, Chat app with Vue + Firebase, Vue as an event bus.
#118 - November 6, 2018
November 6th, 2018 | 6 mins 39 secs
Prettier supports Vue, Vue Vixens workshops, Voice-controlled web visualizations, getting your company to switch to Vue, API calls, large scale apps, Vue + TypeScript + RxJS, getting started with Nuxt, dynamic forms with dynamic components, and Vue Toronto.
#117 - October 30, 2018
October 30th, 2018 | 4 mins 52 secs
Vue Hooks, Sebastian Chopin Interview, vue-promised, progressive web apps, extending vuetify validation, VeeValidate validation providers, Vue CLI 3.0 plugin for Atomic Design & Storybook.
#116 - October 23, 2018
October 22nd, 2018 | 5 mins 42 secs
Ridiculously Reusable Components in Vue.js, Views on Vue, Vue CLI plugins, Universal SSR-ready components, Nuxt Cheat Sheet, Vue with TDD, Functional components, and advanced Vue debugging.
#115 - October 16, 2018
October 15th, 2018 | 6 mins 45 secs
This week is all about Pro Tips with Vue Mastery, Nuxt 2 Q&A, Gridsome, Vue with TDD part 1, Kanban App with Vue and Firebase, optimistic offline-First Apps with Vuex, getting started with Nuxt, adding Apollo client to Quasar, master Vue common problems, and Laravel + Vue + Vue Router.
#113 - October 2, 2018
October 2nd, 2018 | 6 mins 56 secs
Vue 3.0 features, NativeScript Vue 2.0, DevTools beta, intro to Vuex, Twitter profiles, Vue Router missing manual, building Vue Components, Vue w/TypeScript, choosing a front-end UI framework, UIkit w/VueJS.
#112 - September 18, 2018
September 18th, 2018 | 5 mins 50 secs
Quasar feature freeze, Vue with Electron, Nuxt archetexture diagram, emit data, multiple root nodes, vuidget, architecture from nuxt.js, Vue + GSAP, and more.
#111 - September 11, 2018
September 11th, 2018 | 7 mins 9 secs
nativescript, nuxt, vue, vuejs
Adam and Doug discuss NativeScript-Vue 2.0, state management from the ground up, Vue learning resources, compressing your Nuxt app and more.
#110 - September 5, 2018
September 4th, 2018 | 6 mins 48 secs
VueJS London, DevTools v5.0.0 beta 1, Vue on TideLift, testing Vuex, Vuido, Scoped Styles vs CSS Modules, form validation, Dockerise your Nuxt SSR, a YouTube bookmarking site, login component with spinner, dynamic environments with nuxt.js. Notes and links on https://news.vuejs.org
#109 - August 28, 2018
August 28th, 2018 | 8 mins 21 secs
Evan's patreon, Vue in Wired, CLI 3.0 slides, Vue JavaScript 30, Vue Conferences, NativeScript-Vue, Instagram clone with GraphQL, Serverless-side rendering with Nuxt, vue-form-wizard, server rendering with ASP.NET Core, and D&D combat simulator.
#108 - August 21, 2018
August 21st, 2018 | 8 mins 52 secs
Framework summit, Guillaume Chau Q&A + Amsterdam talk, Views on Vue, dynamic forms, a 3D Editor, 5 Vue CLI 3 plugins, scoped slots, testing vue-apollo components, handling touch with VueJS, Vue-autosuggest new release, sending emails through Nuxt.js, and Chronocross. See http://news.vuejs.org for links to all the stories.
#107 - August 14, 2018
August 14th, 2018 | 7 mins 39 secs
Vue CLI 3.0, Vue.js Sprint, TypeScript + Vue, Vuex enterprise, Nuxt.js on DigitalOcean, PWA plugin for Vue CLI 3, Vue for React Devs, structuring Vue Components, and Quasar w/ Firebase.
#106 - August 7, 2018
August 7th, 2018 | 6 mins 7 secs
Adam and Richard discuss Vuex features to clarify your code, collaboratively managing docs with VuePress + Travis, dynamically generating forms, and more.
#105 - July 31, 2018
July 31st, 2018 | 9 mins 49 secs
Quasar v0.17.0, component registration, Vue CLI 3, learning react & Vue, developing clean code, Nuxt modes, testing Vuex, embedding Vue with an iframe, and the minimum Full Stack. Links to all stories can be found on news.vuejs.org
#104 - July 24, 2018
July 24th, 2018 | 6 mins 21 secs
Vue.js Roadtrip Talks, renderless components, recursion for nested, testing with Jest, Intro to Vuex, Vue Cli 3, vue-socket.io, Instagram clone.